Yes, he is the Buddy. The cutest kitten I have ever seen and the best shit disturber around (I hear the common phrase of "OLLIE!! NO!!" from my wife in another room all the time). We were on our way back from the cottage almost two years ago and we had to take a detour to pick up my birthday present from Emily. We had to get it in Orillia. I was confused to say the least. So we get off the 400 in Orillia and proceed to go thru Orillia and into the boonies. We turn down a dirt road and end up on a farm that had recently had a fire. For a split second I thought we had just bought a farm. For the record, there was no way I was getting up at 4am to milk cows. That wasn't happening. The lady who owned the farm made a phone call and said "They're here. We're coming over." I was worried. We walk across the road into a barn, and noticed the kittens right away! SWEET! I was getting a cat. This was going to be the very first pet that I owned. For the record I don't consider him a pet anymore... he's just the Buddy. Of the three kittens that were there he was the coolest. He let me pick him up and just looked up at me like ... "Hey, whats up? Those other two are nuts but I'm cool." It was the obvious choice. When we first took him home he ate some McDonald's in the car! I took the day off work that Monday as I was scared he'd get into something he shouldn't in the house! He was 2.2 pounds. Exactly 1 kilogram.
Now look at him. 18 pounds of cute, snugglyness. The Purr-Button, the Buddy, Regal McKingsley, Fatty McLipid, Boldy McTakeriskerson, Styles, Punky Brewster, Punkies, and Ollie are just a few of his names. He has the potential to become the world's first schizophrenic cat and Em and I take full responsibility for that. Honestly... after looking at those two pics... how can you not love him to death? We do! And as much as Chuki tries to let us think he doesn't.... he does too!
Here is the buddy from the first day he was brought home. I bet anyone to try to hold him with 1 hand now...
Check out the pic!
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