For starters, I really like living in Oakville. There are a ton of trails, its pretty clean, and we hardly get any snow. However, there are a couple things that piss me off about Oakville. Number one... the cost of housing. I'm not in any real position to get super pissed, seeing as I'm going to be broke for the next couple years, but its still annoying. Number two... not enough bars. But probably the most annoying thing about Oakville is the lack of a 7-Eleven. The closest one is in Burlington... 16 kilometres (10 miles) away. The last house I lived in was within 100 metres of a 7-Eleven, and it was the greatest thing ever. Thanks to my insulated mug (purchased at 7-Eleven of course) I could buy 1.53 litres of cool, refreshing fountain soda and it would stay cold for 6 glorious hours! While I was moderately happy with their chip selection (7-Eleven doesn't stock Humpty Dumpty) it was the fountain soda that I went there for. I am now stuck with a Hasty Mart, and the not-as-satisfying bottled soda. Oakville NEEDS a 7-Eleven! So if anyone has an extra few dollars sitting around and is looking for something to do, purchase a 7-Eleven franchise and make us Oakvillians happy. Bring on the fountain soda!
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