In less than one year I will be married. While for some guys it seems like they feel its the end of life or they can't have anymore fun, I don't. Em and I have a killer time together... partying, climbing, whatever... we have fun. However, getting married does entitle me to a sweet bachelor party without my bride-to-be. My friend Bruce (Adam) is also getting married. This entitles HIM to a sweet bachelor party too, without his bride-to-be. Since we're great friends we have decided to have our bachelor trips at the same time, to the same location, involving the same people. So here are the details, the involved parties (please send a pic when you email your reply if you're coming or not... so by the time the trip comes around... we'll all know each other!)
Name: Big Bad Bachelor Trip (3BT!)
Where: Calgary, Alberta
When: Early July, 2006
How Long: 5 - 7 days (still up in the air)
Staying: Hopefully rent a house in Calgary for the week or completely wreck a Holiday Inn
Who: RSVP and you're in!
Those Involved So Far:

Colin - That would be me. I know a couple hounds in Calgary and I'm hopin' they're gonna show us the sights. Bringin two things when I go... my running shoes and my drinking hat.

Bruju - Bruce... Adam... he has so many names. But he's all fun. He'll be in for anything once we get there... unless its naked amputee frisbee. He says he's tried that once and never will again. You can send congrats to Bruce while you're at it, 'cause he's the other bloke gettin' hitched next year.

Kais/Calgary/Chris - You can bet this guy will be firing on all cylinders when we're there. One of the hounds from Alberta, he'll be able to show us around. Family business is Big Rock, a brewing company. No doubt it will receive generous support from 3BT and will be the unofficial sponsor of good times.

Aiden/K-Dawg - First met this guy in Grade 9 gym class. I didn't like him. We had a wrestling match. We tied 2-2. I liked him. Got to know each other well over the next couple years, then lost touch. Then got back in touch and toured the Emerald Isle with him in 2000 for 5 weeks. Then lost touch. Then got back in touch and now he'll have me buggin' him for life. Poor bastard.

Brent - Bruce's cousin. Will always be remembered at 1473 as the guy who put his foot thru the wall while walking down the stairs. While I heard there were rumours of this upsetting people... well... that is complete bullshit. I just wonder to this day how it happened. It was the wall to the SIDE!! Anyways... this guy is an animal. We'll be draggin' him kicking and screaming out of the bars. Seems like the perfect fit for this trip!

Slice (Adam) - Another groomsman and lover of beverages. Known this guy since Grade 7... 14 years. Crazy. When Adam comes to town you know there's a party. He has never been to my house and stayed sober longer than half an hour. So I'm always happy to see him! Loves charred mammal flesh too and can work a BBQ like its nobody's business.
3BT is a new idea, and has just gone into its early stages. As soon as confirmations and pics come in you'll see who will be involved.