My friend Tellie has a great blog with some very interesting posts on it. One in particular was about how long she would survive were she chained to the same bed as a Velociraptor. Yes thats right, the same dinosaur that ripped a few people a new arse hole in Jurassic Park (the first one for sure, but I can't remember the 2nd or 3rd ones). So I thought I'd see how long I could survive, and I did a bit better! 1 min 22 seconds. 54 seconds longer than Tellie! However, this is just 54 more seconds for me to shit/piss my pants before the Velociraptor's stomach starts turning me into poo poo.
I could survive for 1 minute, 22 seconds chained to a bunk bed with a velociraptor Created by Bunk
Oh well.